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to Distributors

With us, you don't have to worry about implementation and can sleep peacefully. We take care of all tasks related to implementing Rich Content product cards in e‑shops.

Custommerce samples cards

How does the
implementation process

When you work with us, you don't have to worry about anything — we take care of all tasks related to implementation. We prepare reformats for the specific store. They are delivered in various ways, using different means, depending on the platform's guidelines. If we do not know the specifications, we contact the store to determine the conditions for implementing Rich Content product cards. This also applies to foreign online stores.

After sending the product cards, we monitor the implementation progress for 2 weeks from the time of sending and check if the cards are displayed correctly. We have proprietary monitoring systems (Scrapper) that quickly catch any discrepancies or errors, which we then correct and once again deliver the Rich Content product cards to the store.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Where can
Rich Content
product cards be implemented?

It doesn't matter what e-commerce engine your store is based on — we can implement Rich Content product cards everywhere.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

What do distributors say about us?

Media Markt logo
Custommerce to rzetelny i profesjonalny partner, który sprawia, że wdrażanie stron produktów Rich Content jest proste i przyjemne. Szybkość działania, zaangażowanie i świetny kontakt sprawiają, że współpraca z nimi to czysta przyjemność. Wszystkie procesy wdrażania kart na platformę Media Markt przebiegają sprawnie i bez potrzeby poprawek(..)Justyna Furman
Senior Product Content Specialist
MediaMarkt Saturn
Online Polska

Who do we
work with

We know the technical specifications of over 40 online stores and e-commerce platforms (marketplaces) where we effectively implement not only Rich Content product cards but also landing pages and Shop In Shop.
Custommerce Example Rich Card
Custommerce Blob 3

of descriptions and graphic assets

Some stores do not store Rich Content product cards on their own servers. They prefer to link entirely to external servers or only require the code — this means that the assets for the cards must be hosted on an external server. We also offer hosting of descriptions and graphic assets. This way, we store your materials, which can then be directly accessed by the store from our servers. This can include both the graphics and the entire HTML code.

Customizing the distribution method

We adjust the distribution method to the individual requirements of the stores. We can deliver ready-made Rich Content product cards in various ways. We can integrate with PIM, ERP, or CRM systems via API to deliver files in the appropriate format: JSON, XML, or ZIP. Some distributors have their own panels for implementation — we also use these panels to implement Rich Content product cards.
Custommerce Example Rich Card
Custommerce Blob 6
See how we can support your brand in e‑commerce
Example Custommerce Rich Cards
© 2024 Custommerce sp. z o.o.