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Shop In Shop (SIS)

Shop In

Are you looking for a way to make your brand stand out on the distributor's platform? The Shop In Shop (SIS) could be the answer to your needs.

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What is a Shop In Shop and what is its purpose?


A Shop In Shop (SIS) is a dedicated space on a sales platform designed specifically for presenting a brand’s products. SIS is found in most reputable e-shops and platforms. It is recognized as a marketing tool that allows brands to better present their products, build their image, and create engaging shopping experiences for customers.


Better product presentation and brand image enhancement within a larger online store are examples of the goals of creating SIS. A dedicated online space helps increase product exposure, which can lead to increased interest and higher sales. SIS makes it easier for brands to promote new products and organize promotional campaigns directly targeted to customers interested in the products.
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Why invest in Shop In Shop?

Brands that use SIS see an average 10% higher conversion rate compared to traditional product pages.
Source: Amazon
According to Nielsen, brands that invest in dedicated online spaces see a 20% increase in customer loyalty.
Source: Nielsen
Brands that introduced new products within dedicated online brand spaces achieved 25% higher revenue from those products compared to launching them on standard pages.
Source: Forrester

What elements can a SIS consist of?

The homepage serves as the brand's business card on the e-commerce platform and is often the first touchpoint a customer has with a particular producer. It should present key information about the brand and its products and encourage further exploration of the offer. It may include a brief description of the company's mission and values, possibly with a link to a more detailed 'About Us' section and to the most popular product categories or special sections like 'New Arrivals' or 'Best Sellers'.
Product categories
Limited offers
Expert articles
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Benefits of implementing Shop In Shop
Moon Strategy
This strategy involves placing your product or service in reference to elements of the environment (a well‑known platform). The goal is to evoke common associations in consumers.
Business Development Cost Optimization
By utilizing a dedicated Shop In Shop zone within a larger online store, you gain a private commercial space that can be tailored to your needs without the need to invest in building your own store.
Stand out from the competition
With SIS, you have the opportunity to place your branding elements, such as slogans, graphics, or visual themes. This personalization helps build brand recognition among consumers.
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What do we focus on when designing Shop In Shop?

  • When designing Shop In Shop, we focus on the target audience and brand image.
  • We use slogans, colors, visual themes, and fonts that are used by the brand.
  • We help categorize the offer and highlight Hero products.
  • We follow a 'mobile first' approach and create SIS according to the technical specifications of the given platform.

Examples of completed Shop In Shop zones

Check out the results of our work! See how the Shop In Shop zones we designed look on well‑known sales platforms in Poland.
Metamorphosis of Amica by Custommerce
AmicaStworzyliśmy strefy marki SIS dla marki Amica, które są dostępne dla klientów m.in. na platformach Ceneo, RTVEuroAGD, Media Expert, Max Elektro oraz ZUHIP. Są to przestrzenie dedykowane wyłącznie produktom marki Amica w celu zapewnienia klientom wyjątkowych doświadczeń zakupowych i szerokiego wyboru wysokiej jakości sprzętu AGD.
See our work
Metamorphosis of Jura by Custommerce
JuraDla marki Jura stworzyliśmy indywidualny projekt graficzny dla Shop In Shop, który jest wdrożony na prawie 70. platformach e-commerce w Polsce. Należą do nich m.in.: Lacava, Caffe Team, Konesso, RTVEuroAGD, Komputronik i Ceneo.
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Metamorphosis of STMNT by Custommerce
STMNTTworząc projekt SIS dla STMNT obraliśmy za cel stworzenie nowoczesnego Shop In Shop, który doskonale odzwierciedla wizerunek marki. STMNT to marka znana ze świeżego podejścia do klasycznych produktów. Charakteryzują ją minimalistyczne, eleganckie opakowania i innowacyjne podejście do tworzenia kosmetyków.
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Metamorphosis of Babyliss PRO by Custommerce
Babyliss PRODla marki Babyliss PRO, która oferuje szeroki wybór profesjonalnych narzędzi do stylizacji włosów, stworzyliśmy SIS na platformie Hairstore. To wyjątkowa przestrzeń, która znacznie ułatwia klientom marki Babyliss odszukanie spełniających ich potrzeby produktów.
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Metamorphosis of Schwarzkopf Professional by Custommerce
Schwarzkopf ProfessionalPodczas współpracy z marką Henkel, do której należą takie marki, jak Schwarzkopf (BC Bonacure, Osis) czy STMNT, stworzyliśmy na platformę Hairstore już trzy SIS. Każda strefa marki została wizualnie dostosowana nie tylko do wytycznych platformy, ale też do identyfikacji wizualnej danej serii kosmetyków i marki.
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Metamorphosis of Indola by Custommerce
IndolaIndola jest znanym producentem profesjonalnych produktów do pielęgnacji, koloryzacji i stylizacji włosów. Marka wyróżnia się na tle konkurencji nowoczesnym i przyciągającym uwagę designem opakowań i tym, że jej materiały promocyjne są zawsze pod tym względem ze sobą spójne. Nie inaczej było z projektem SIS dla marki Indola na platformę Hairstore.
See our work

Why choose us to create your Shop In Shop?



We have many years of experience designing and creating Shop In Shop for various industries. We create engaging SIS in e-commerce that highlight brand identity and attract the attention of potential customers.


Understanding distributor requirements

We have experience creating Shop In Shop for well-known sales platforms such as Ceneo, Media Markt, Media Expert, RTV Euro AGD, and Max Elektro. Each SIS is created in line with the technical requirements of the distributors.


Proven collaboration process

Our experienced specialists will create an innovative Shop In Shop concept for you, considering the unique features of your brand, according to our proven, optimized process, which you can learn more about here:


Comprehensive service

We offer a full range of services, from concept to implementation, so you can focus on further growing your business. Our interdisciplinary team of specialists will create the best Shop In Shop for your business.

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See how we can support your brand in e‑commerce
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