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Product Detailed Pages
(Rich Content or A+ content type)

Utilize their potential to enhance the shopping experience of your customers in e‑commerce.
Custommerce – skuteczna sprzedaż internetowa, zwiększanie sprzedaży w sklepie

What are Product Detailed Pages?

Product Detailed Pages (Rich Content or A+ content, as Amazon calls it) are visually attractive presentations of products in online stores. Well-prepared Rich Content helps customers fully understand the benefits of products, enabling them to make informed purchasing decisions.
What sets Product Detailed Pages apart?
Each Product Detailed Page contains rich information about the product, including photos, descriptions, animations, videos, interactive elements, technical specifications, and more. This allows users to get a comprehensive view of the product directly on the purchase page, without the need to search for essential information on other sites.

What could a project look like for you?

Simply click the button bellow to this text to schedule a Free consultation with one of our specialists.

Rich Content Product Detailed Pages — why invest in them?

PDP (Product Detailed Pages) are also known as rich product descriptions, + Content (a term used by Amazon), product content, rich content, enhanced content or product pages.
They generate consumer interest with their visually attractive form, effectively encouraging purchases.
They distinguish products in e-stores from the competition.
They showcase products from different perspectives and in use, helping customers better understand their applications and benefits.
By incorporating animations and video materials, they allow online interaction with products.
They convey all necessary information to customers in an easy-to-understand way, addressing their purchase concerns.
They shorten the buying journey, as they do not require customers to visit other pages for additional product information.
They help reduce product return rates by providing comprehensive pre-purchase information.
They build brand image and effectively encourage purchases.

Are Rich Content Product Detailed Pages suitable for everyone?

Both small and medium-sized companies, as well as large Polish and international corporations, opt for Rich Content. Each such project must consider all specific and essential brand circumstances. The key is selecting the right solution for the current needs and resources of the brand.
Discover how you can utilize Rich Content Product Detailed Pages in your industry. Learn more about our offering.

Home appliance industry

The immensely strong position of local retail chains and diverse competition in this industry make high-quality Rich Content product cards an absolute must.
Some of our clients include:

Pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical brands have started to realize that consistent product communication in e‑commerce., aligned with ATL campaigns, is a vital element of their marketing and sales strategy.
Some of our clients include:

Cosmetic industry

The wide array of products in the cosmetics industry on the Polish market can be overwhelming. Standing out in e‑commerce. amidst the competition is a common challenge for clients in this industry.
Some of our clients include:

Electrical installation industry

Marki w tej branży, skutecznie nadrabiają zaległości, w zakresie transformacji cyfrowej. Platformy e‑commerce B2B (np. zauważają bardzo mocne przełożenie kart produktów typu rich content na sprzedaż.
Some of our clients include:

Interior design industry

This industry boasts significant visual potential, but product presentations in e‑commerce. have been overlooked for years. Nevertheless, pioneers are redefining standards in this sector.
Some of our clients include:

Other industries

Poland has thousands of online stores, many of which operate in niche markets. We have the essential expertise and experience to support such brands effectively.
Some of our clients include:

Product Detailed Pages for e‑commerce - how much does Rich Content cost?

For every client, we prepare an individual quotation that takes into account their specific requirements. Factors that influence the costs of preparing Rich Content Product Detailed Pages for e‑commerce include, among others:
  • The number of products for which you want to prepare cards.
  • The degree of attractiveness of the cards (e.g. the number of interactive elements used).
  • The number of e‑commerce stores you want to imlement Rich Content product cards to.
  • Materials at your disposal: text descriptions, packshots, arranged photos, icons, animations, videos, technical drawings, etc.
  • The level of involvement of the client's team in cooperation.

What could a project look like for you?

Simply click the button bellow to this text to schedule a Free consultation with one of our specialists.

Where to start? How does collaboration proceed?

  1. Free consultation ‑ diagnosis of the current state and checking if our service suits the client.
  2. Project Intro ‑ verification of us as a collaboration partner.
  3. Ongoing / Project‑based Collaboration ‑ targeted collaboration in a model most convenient for the client.

Project Intro — What does it involve?

Project Intro is a comprehensive service aimed at developing a model product card, which will serve as a basis for future projects for other products from your brand.
Onboarding and project management
Introducing the client to the project, including explaining how the collaboration will proceed. A dedicated project manager oversees the entire project and individual tasks.
Research and analysis
Researching competition, content, graphic materials, and technical requirements at distributors.
Information architecture
Designing the information architecture for the model card, recommending key SEO phrases, and establishing a hierarchy of product features.
Creative concept development, preparing a graphic project considering the customer's journey on the card, and adapting materials to rich content technology.
Building the model code path, i.e., preparing the product presentation metamorphosis (before and after), creating interactive modules, and optimizing the code for use in other projects.
Implementation and optimization
Developing the process of implementing product cards, including building a list of implementation corrections with partners, optimizing implemented cards, and developing report formats.

Project Intro - What are the benefits it offers?

  • You can check if collaborating with us suits you, without the need for a long-term contract
  • You will update your product communication strategy in e‑commerce
  • You will receive a product metamorphosis before and after - based on your own product
  • You will reduce the risk of investing larger funds at the beginning
  • You will learn the process/schedule of project implementation and adjust it to your needs
  • You will assess the workload on your end for project realization
  • You will determine the internal resources needed for project implementation
  • You will establish the costs of project realization on a larger scale

Are you keen on effectively building a competitive advantage in your industry?

Our services can be a great investment for your company. Schedule a Free consultation with our specialist.

Who works on your project?

A team of specialists is involved in the implementation of each project:
  • Account ‑ responsible for business support
  • Project Manager ‑ responsible for project implementation, ongoing communication with the client, and coordination of successful implementation
  • Researcher ‑ responsible for analysis
  • Content Specialist ‑ responsible for developing the information architecture that will be included in the card, as well as preparing content written in the language of benefits
  • UX /i Graphic Designer ‑ responsible for creative concept and dedicated graphic design
  • Web Developer ‑ responsible for card programming, including interactive modules and product optimization

Check how we can support your brand in e‑commerce.

Make an appointment with our specialist for a Free consultation.