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How are
product pages
Rich Content

When creating Rich Content product pages, we utilize our proven and optimized process and proprietary tools that allow us to comprehensively execute projects.

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How does the collaboration proceed?

Discover all stages of the process



This is the introduction to the project, aimed at familiarizing you with the service and discussing the process. At Custommerce, onboarding is a meeting lasting about 1 hour, attended by the Project Manager, Account Manager, and you or a person designated by you.

During the meeting, we discuss:

  • a general work plan, divided into stages
  • an approximate work schedule
  • necessary materials — you will present the materials you have and the timeframe and format in which you can deliver them
  • communication methods — we will establish, among other things, the form of material delivery, access to platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP, and our proprietary systems
  • methods of feedback/approval for each work stage
  • familiarization with the project, presentation of the work method, and step-by-step discussion of the process
  • additional work beyond the agreed scope
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Work schedule

An approximate work schedule is discussed during the onboarding meeting, after which the Project Manager prepares the final schedule based on the arrangements. This is extremely important to us because it allows for precise work planning. Thanks to it, we know exactly what will happen and when, and we can always deliver our work on time.

We handle multiple projects simultaneously, so schedules organize the team's work and allow for resource allocation. Of course, in case of unexpected issues, we strive to adapt and update the schedule so that the project delivery date is not affected.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Delivery and verification of materials

The next stage of the process is the transfer of all materials needed to create the product pages. If your brand does not have sufficient materials, you can also indicate other sources of images (Shutterstock) or content. It is also important at this stage to provide an exact date for delivering any missing items. Work on the project will begin only after all materials have been provided.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Architecture and layout of the page and content

At the stage of determining the architecture and layout of the page and creating content, we base our work on the materials you have provided. Depending on the arrangements, we use ready-made, supplied content or prepare new content based on the submitted materials. If the project requires it, we translate content from materials in another language.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Graphic design of the master card

The graphic designer prepares a design for the product you have indicated. The design is always tailored to the materials we have, including the brand's Key Visual. If it is created not only for one product but also with other products from the brand's assortment in mind, we design it so that it can be easily adapted to them. The design is consulted with Web Developers to ensure that all applied elements can be coded. Thanks to this, the HTML-coded page looks virtually 1:1 as in the graphic design.

Moreover, at an early stage, you may be invited to actively participate in the process and provide feedback on, among other things, the layout of elements, early design, color proposals, etc. We use Adobe XD tools, which, among other things, allow for simple online commenting on the project. You are entitled to 2 rounds of corrections for each project—this allows you to tailor it to your preferences and the individual needs of your brand.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Preparation of graphic assets and content for Master EAN cards

After you approve the graphic design, the team can begin the process of creating or collecting content and preparing assets and other graphic materials for the Master EAN cards. Master EAN cards are the remaining cards from a given order, executed according to one approved graphic design of the Master card. It is possible to adapt the Master card for another category of products, provided the changes concern, for example, color schemes or other elements that do not affect the overall layout adopted on the Master card. At this stage, content is prepared first, followed by graphics.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Layout of the Master HTML card

The Master HTML card is the coded graphic design. It allows you to see the functioning of all interactive elements and the final appearance of the Rich Content product page on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. An experienced Web Developer is responsible for the layout. Based on the Master, all subsequent Rich Content product pages, which we call Master EAN cards, are assembled.

Comments are made in our dedicated tool—the Online Commentator—which eliminates the need to create screenshots or presentations to convey your feedback.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Preparing cards for implementation into stores

After you approve the assembled cards, the team proceeds to prepare them for implementation on e-commerce platforms. Next, the Web Developer prepares reformats for each distributor—that is, cards already adjusted to the technical specifications of a given platform. We know the specifications for over 40 online stores from Poland and abroad where we implement cards. If you wish to implement Rich Content product pages to another, new store, we will contact them on your behalf and arrange all the details for preparing the cards for implementation.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Paraphrasing content

Some platforms require Rich Content product pages to contain unique content. Therefore, we also prepare paraphrases of the content that will be placed in the reformats. Depending on the arrangements, such content may no longer require your verification.
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Coordination of implementation

We are responsible for the entire implementation process, understood as delivering materials and monitoring the progress of implementation. We coordinate the entire process using our proprietary systems, which automatically monitor the statuses of card implementations (RCS) and then verify whether the implementation was correct (Scrapper).
Custommerce Example Rich Card

Post‑implementation verification

After implementing the cards and receiving feedback from the distributor, the Project Manager verifies the correctness of the displayed cards. Throughout the process, you are kept informed about the implementation statuses and work progress, and at the end, you receive a report from us. After completing the tasks at this stage, the project can be closed.
Custommerce Example Rich Card
Proprietary systems

Smooth Process Flow

Thanks to our proprietary systems, we can efficiently execute any project—including large-scale ones. This allows us to tailor our offers to the requirements of companies from various industries and perform repetitive, cyclical orders quickly and efficiently—without delays or hidden costs.
Rich Content System (RCS)

Rich Content System (RCS)

Our proprietary system. It gathers data on all realized Rich Content product pages.


Collects data on, among other things, the statuses of realized Rich Content product pages in an automated manner.
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See how we can support your brand in e‑commerce
Example Custommerce Rich Cards
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